Workover of the well after being linked to production as a result of any problem occurring in the well during the production period With rig (workover rig ) or without (rigless)
According to the condition of the well
Workover operation are very important to maintain the production of the wel
Application of Workover operation :
- Repairing or replacing some of the equipment inside the well that was damaged
- repairing well head and surface installations
- sand production control
- Artificial lift equipment installation and maintenance
- formation stimulation
- isolation of non wanted producing
- remedial cementing
- fishing operation
- well re-completion
- Converting the production well into an injection well
- well suspension and temporarily abandonment
- well abandonment
Types of Workover Operation:
With rig-operations:
- bridge plug or cement plug
- Milling Packer or Bridge Plug
- Perforation with tcp
- install tubing or downhole equipment.
- Install equipment artificial lift like ESP or gas lift
- (Install equipment sand control.
- (well re-completion
- side trak
- Deeping the well
- abandon the well
rig –less operation
- Coiled tubing
- Wireline logging
- Slick line unit
- Snubbing unit
Coiled tubing operation
- Drilling
- Logging
- Perforation
- Stimulation ,acidizing , fracturing
- Nitrogen lifting
- Fishing
- Remedial cementing
- Setting and retrieving bridge plugs
- Removal sand from wellbore
- Wellbore cleanout (asphalt )