Workover operation

Workover  of the well after being linked to production as a result of any problem occurring in the well during the production period With rig (workover rig )  or without (rigless)

According to the condition of the well

Workover operation are very important to maintain the production of the wel

 Application of Workover operation :

  1. Repairing or replacing some of the equipment inside the well that was damaged
  2. repairing well head and surface installations
  3. sand production control
  4. Artificial lift equipment installation and maintenance
  5. formation stimulation
  6. isolation of non wanted producing
  7. remedial cementing
  8. fishing operation
  9. well re-completion
  10. Converting the production well into an injection well
  11. well suspension and temporarily abandonment
  12. well abandonment

Types of Workover Operation:


With rig-operations:

  1. bridge plug or cement plug
  2. Milling Packer or Bridge Plug
  3. Perforation with tcp
  4. install tubing or downhole equipment.
  5. Install equipment artificial lift like ESP or gas lift
  6. (Install equipment sand control.
  7. (well re-completion
  8. side trak
  9. Deeping the well
  10. abandon the well


rig –less operation

  1. Coiled tubing
  2. Wireline logging
  3. Slick line unit
  4. Snubbing unit

Coiled tubing operation

  1. Drilling
  2. Logging
  3. Perforation
  4. Stimulation ,acidizing , fracturing
  5. Nitrogen lifting
  6. Fishing
  7. Remedial cementing
  8. Setting and retrieving bridge plugs
  9. Removal sand from wellbore
  10. Wellbore cleanout (asphalt )

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